Consignment Information

Consigning From Within Australia

Product may be packed in:

  • Plastic self-draining returnable Sydney Fish Market crates
  • Standard foam boxes
  • Cardboard boxes or coffins
  • Insulated bulk bins
  • Chill fish to between -1°C and 5°C and add sufficient ice to keep product cold until sold

Label containers on short end with:

  1. Your name and Sydney Fish Market account number
  2. Species Weight
  3. Size (Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large)
  4. Processing method (e.g. GU=Gutted, GH=Headed/Gutted, GG=Gilled/Gutted, FI=Fillets)
  5. Quality (e.g. A, B)
  • Labels are 12.5cm wide by 10cm height

We can supply your own customised bar-coded labels at $11 (including GST) per 100 labels.

Phone 02 9004 1100, or email us to order.

Prepare manifest with full details of consignment:

  • Supplier name and Sydney Fish Market account number.
  • Date consigned and transport details.
  • Total number of boxes.
  • Full details of species and weight in each box including size and processing.
  • Give a copy of manifest to transport company with consignment. 
  • Email us the manifest, or fax to 02 9004 1171.

Sydney Fish Market is open to receive product from 6:00pm Sunday to Thursday (and is open all night).

Consigning From Outside of Australia

Product may be packed in:

  • Two layers of plastic inside an approved container (foam box or waxed carton)
  • Chill fish to between -1°C and 5°C and add sufficient ice to keep product cold until sold.

Label containers on short end with:

  1. Your name and Sydney Fish Market account number
  2. Species Weight
  3. Size (Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large)
  4. Processing method (e.g. GU=Gutted, GH=Headed/Gutted, GG=Gilled/Gutted, FI=Fillets)
  5. Quality (e.g. A, B)
  • Labels are 12.5cm wide by 10cm height

We can supply your own customised bar-coded labels at $11 (including GST) per 100 labels.

Phone +61 2 9004 1100, Fax +61 2 9004 1171, or email us to order.

Import document requirements

Australian Quarantine & Inspection Service (AQIS) regulations require that finfish imported with the heads on (from countries other than New Zealand) must be covered by a special import permit.

Please check with Sydney Fish Market before consigning any fish as Sydney Fish Market may not carry an Import Permit for your country of export. Failure to do so may result in the consignment being delayed by AQIS and/or Australian Customs.

If your country of export is New Zealand, Sydney Fish Market can coordinate the Import clearances for your product through Australian Customs and AQIS. For all other exporters, please contact Sydney Fish Market to ascertain if we can clear your shipments.

Should Sydney Fish Market be able to obtain clearances on your behalf, we will require a full set of import documents (air waybill, pro forma invoice, certificate as to country of origin, and any relevant health certificates) emailed or faxed to Sydney Fish Market as early as possible on the day the product is to arrive in Sydney. A detailed packing list is also very useful.

If the documents are not received by 2:00pm Sydney time we cannot guarantee obtaining the necessary clearances before Customs and AQIS offices close.

The documents should be sent via email or faxed to +61 2 9004 1171.

For all shipments received from New Zealand, Sydney Fish Market covers the cost of obtaining clearances, but AQIS charges for any laboratory tests that may be required will be deducted from the supplier's account.

For ALL OTHER countries, ANY charges incurred by Sydney Fish Market will be recovered from the supplier.

Prepare manifest with full details of consignment:

  • Supplier name and Sydney Fish Market account number
  • Date consigned and transport details
  • Total number of boxes
  • Full details of species and weight in each box including size and processing
  • Give a copy of manifest to transport company with consignment. 
  • Email us the manifest, or fax (if possible) to +61 2 9004 1171.

Sydney Fish Market is open to receive product from 6:00pm Sunday to Thursday (and is open all night).

What Sydney Fish Market charges for its services:

Margin rates:

  • Fish and mollusc: 11%
    Charged to suppliers who supply less than $500,000 in total gross auction sales during each financial year
  • Crustacea (prawns, crabs, lobsters): 9%
    Charged to suppliers who supply less than $500,000 in total gross auction sales during each financial year
  • Fish and mollusc: 8%
    Charged to suppliers once they reach $500,000 in total auction gross sales during each financial year
  • Crustacea (prawns, crabs, lobsters): 6%
    Charged to suppliers once they reach $500,000 in total auction gross sales during each financial year

Airport Collections:

  • Airport Pickup: 20 cents per kilogram
    Nett weight, charged by Sydney Fish Market
  • Airport Terminal Fee: Amount varies depending on Terminal operator handling your product
    This fee is invoiced to Sydney Fish Market and recovered from the supplier
  • Import Clearance Fees
    e.g. Customs, Quarantine, also recovered from supplier